Atom package v0.12.1: current directory boot file

The latest version (0.12.1) of the TidalCycles package for Atom has a new option to use a bootup file in your current project directory:

What this means is that you can now have a custom bootup file for each “project” you may be working on (e.g. compositions, MIDI modules, custom OSC setups, live sets, etc).

All you need to do for this to work is to create a BootTidal.hs file at the root of your Atom project folder:

If you’re not sure where to start with a custom boot file, you can reference a sample default one on the TidalCycles Atom package page, or use this code:

:set -XOverloadedStrings
:set prompt ""
:module Sound.Tidal.Context

(cps, nudger, getNow) <- cpsUtils'

(d1,t1) <- superDirtSetters getNow
(d2,t2) <- superDirtSetters getNow
(d3,t3) <- superDirtSetters getNow
(d4,t4) <- superDirtSetters getNow
(d5,t5) <- superDirtSetters getNow
(d6,t6) <- superDirtSetters getNow
(d7,t7) <- superDirtSetters getNow
(d8,t8) <- superDirtSetters getNow
(d9,t9) <- superDirtSetters getNow

let bps x = cps (x/2)
let hush = mapM_ ($ silence) [d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7,d8,d9]
let solo = (>>) hush

:set prompt "tidal> "

With these configuration options, you can now have complete control over your own custom Tidal boot code rather than modifying the source code of the package’s boot file.

For more information check out this video that explores all of the boot options in the Atom Tidalcycles package:

Atom Package v0.11.0: custom Tidal boot path

A new release (version 0.11.0) of the TidalCycles package for Atom is available today. With this version you can now specify a path to your own boot file in the package settings:

This means that you no longer need to modify the provided BootTidal.hs file in the package with your own custom logic (e.g. custom functions, additional modules, etc).

If you want to create your own boot file:

  1. Create a copy of the original (available here)
  2. Save it anywhere on your computer
  3. Modify the TidalCycles package settings to point to where you saved the new file